
Agricultural | Agroindustrial

Through Olisur and Olinorte, we are the largest producer and exporter of extra virgin olive oil in Chile and Latam. In 2014, Olisur became the first olive oil producer to be certified Carbon Neutral worldwide.

Through Olisur and Olinorte, we are the largest producer and exporter of extra virgin olive oil in Chile and Latam. In 2014, Olisur became the first olive oil producer to be certified Carbon Neutral worldwide.

Agricultural | Agroindustrial

20 years

producing olive oil in a sustainable way

3,300 hectares

in 2 hemispheres. 500 dedicated to 100% organic production

85% export

Brazil, USA, Canada, Japan, Puerto Rico, among others.

History of Olisur

History of Olisur

Other agricultural businesses

Between 1996 and 2023, we were part of Hortifrut, a company dedicated to the production and export of berries around the world.

Between 2011 and 2013 we were part of Tres Montes Lucchetti, a company with recognized food brands.

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